1. Understanding
Urinary catheterization is the inclusion of rubber or plastic tube through the urethra into the bladder kemihkateterisasi-man2. Destination
a. Eliminating bladder distension
b. Obtain a urine specimen
c. Assessing the amount of residual urine, if the bladder is not able to fully emptied3. Preparation
a. Preparation of patients
1) Saying hello therapeutic
2) Introduce yourself
3) Explain to the client and family about the procedure and purpose of the action to be implemented.
4) The explanation given to understand the client / family
5) During the communication language used is clear, systematic and non-threatening.
6) The client / family are given the opportunity to ask for clarification
7) Privacy of communication for valued clients.
8) Showing patience, empathy, courtesy, and attention and respect during communicate and take action
9) Make a contract (time, place and action to be performed)
b. Preparation tools
1) Body instrument contains:
a) Poly catheter according to the size of a fruit (mature clients who first mounted the catheter is usually used no. 16)
b) Urine sterile bag 1 piece
c) Tweezers anatomy 2 pieces
d) Duk sterile
e) Kassa fed sterile jelly
2) Sterile Gloves
3) Cotton sublimat in a closed com
4) Perlak and pengalasnya 1 fruit
5) Sampiran
6) Liquids aquades or Nacl
7) Plaster
8) Cut verband
9) Bent 1 piece
10) Korentang in place
4. Procedure
a. Patients were given an explanation of the procedures to be performed, then the tools brought to the client
b. Attach sampiran
c. Wash hands
d. Attach pengalas / waterproof below the buttocks client
e. Bottom of the client's clothing dikeataskan / removed, with the client supine position. Legs slightly opened. Crooked buttocks placed near the client
f. Open the tub of instruments, disposable sterile gloves, sterile plug, then clean with a cotton sublimat genitalia tool by using tweezers.
g. Clean the genitalia by the way: The penis is held by non-dominant hand penis cleaned using cotton sublimat by the dominant hand in a circular motion from meatus out. Actions can be done several times until clean. Put the tweezers in the bent
h. Take the catheter is then spread with jelly. Insert the catheter into the urethra is approximately 10 cm slowly with tweezers until the urine out. Enter Nacl fluid / aquades 20-30 cc of written or appropriate size. Pull the catheter slightly. If at the time the catheter was withdrawn restrained mean catheter has entered the bladder
i. Remove the bump, connect the catheter with a urine bag. Tie side of the bed
j. Catheter fixation
k. Remove the gloves
l. Clients trimming back
m. Trimming tool back
n. Washing hands
o. Implement documentation:
1) Record the actions taken and outcomes and client response in the client record sheet
2) Record the date and time of action and the name of the nurse who did and signature / initials on a sheet of client records
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